Why customers & partners rely on Simova Extensions
Discover why so many Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central customers and partners chose Simova to extend the spectrum of features.
Guided Experience
The Initial configuration of the extensions as easy as possible through a complete Guided Experience in the Business Central interface.
Fullfil compliance regulations
Simova Extensions allow you to align with internal and external compliance regulations.
Free 30-day trial for all extensions
Just install the app from Microsoft AppSource and experience the look & feel 30 days for free! Test and discover if the Simova Extension is the perfect fit for you.
Process optimization
Simova Extensions focus on accelerating business processes and reducing manual and time-inefficient worksteps.
Learn more about our customers and partners and what they have to say about the Simova solutions and how these helped them to optimize business processes.
Organizational & non-value-adding work steps are the biggest rivals of effiency and innovation. That is why Simova believes in the simplification and automation of everyday work processes to give the users of our customers the time to focus on their essential tasks to create a competetive advantage.
Rapid implementation
Integrated Guided Experience for easy standard setup, extensive documentation to adjust to specific needs fast and complete configuration of necessary external resources from the Business Central interface reduce the implementation times to a minimum.
Process automation
Manual handling of business processes slows down employees and are one of he biggest source of errors. Automation of work steps gives users the time to focus on more important tasks and also ensures higher process security.
Seamless integration into Dynamics 365 Business Central
Setup, configuration, working - all in one interface. The user stays in Business Central and does not have switch to other programs, platforms or websites to do his job.
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