We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature for our product Release Notes forDevOps! You can now automatically create, translate, and publishmultilingual release notes directly from Azure DevOps.
This newenhancement brings AI-driven automation to one of the most time-consuming tasksin software development: crafting and managing release notes. Whether you’reworking with international teams, deploying global products, or simply lookingto improve your workflow, this feature will save you time and ensureconsistent, high-quality documentation.
Creatingrelease notes is a small but critical step in any software release process formany teams. But here is the issue: These manual processes are not onlytime-consuming but prone to errors. If your team is spread across differentregions or your product reaches a global audience, managing translations andensuring consistency can quickly become overwhelming.
Effectiverelease notes shouldn’t slow you down—they should empower you to communicateeffectively and fast.
TheSolution: Multilingual Release Notes Powered by AI
Our newfeature in Release Notes for DevOps completely automates this process byusing artificial intelligence in Azure DevOps. Here’show it works:
No morelost in translation moments. You get accuracy, speed, and global alignment…instantly.
WhyAutomate Release Notes?
Automatingthe creation and translation of release notes isn’t just a convenience—it’s asmarter way to work. Here’s what this new feature offers:
For anyteam operating in Azure DevOps, this is a must-have capability.
Ready to Try It?
Download it from Visualstudio Marketplace and test all premium features 30 days for free: Release Notes for DevOps
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